It's been a while, once more, hasn't it?
It was quite the mistake saying that I will write more blog posts about my thoughts, since really, I didn't! Totally forgot, and also totally didn't wanna. It happens.
What's happened in nearly a year? Well, I've met some wonderful people, have been to college, got into linux and started learning Japanese. Quite a lot of things! Perhaps one reason I haven't updated is stress, and another is how long this site has been up and my strange relationship with my self-image, which has atleast gradually gotten better.
So that is to say, I think this site will be on an indefinite hiatus or just be preserved as it is as a lovely time capsule of the place and a time where and when I met some people very important and influential to me. With that said, do check out detritus, my good friend's new site. I think the memory of me, them and another friend bickering casually about who had the best site and them always concluding that I did has remained very close to my heart, and I'm happy to say that perhaps I've finally been outdid. :-D Great times they were and still all, I am so glad I discovered this "corner of the interwebz" of beautiful self expression.
As for myself, I've moved my artistic endeavours mostly to my youtube channel, @lamellie, and if I do come back to hosting a webpage, it'll probably be housed on nekoweb, and be a little more art-focused, I don't think I've ever been much of a talker!
Lastly, thank you once again for the memories I've shared on this site, and I hope you have a great day!