This is my corner of the Interwebz also known as my Neocities page! This website acts as a channel through which I wish to express myself with the help of the wondrous languages of HTML and CSS! (and also javascript but we don't talk about that one). You are free to navigate my psyche using the hyperlinks located in the header of this page, I hope you have a great time here!
If you want to return to the intro page, click here!
Heya! :3 my name's lamellie! or lam for short. i am a silly agender catgirl from the net! i use she/it/they pronouns! i find myself having a particular affinity for writing, and making art in general. my most consumed genres of media must definitely be psychological thrillers! i also like electronic music that ruptures my eardrums and ambient.
Want to see the media I've liked enough to gush about on this site? Go to my interests page. (No reviews for albums though sadly... ^^', and also they're pretty old reviews, i should update the page and archive them, heh :3)
My other acounts can be found on my social page! You can also talk to me through these or just comment on my neocities profile!
Live feed from my!
(shoutouts to THIS AWESOME PERSON and this THIS OTHER PERSON for coding this)
I am feeling .
I also have some site buttons!
(though perhaps it might be better to download them and upload them to your site instead, not fully sure how it works but might as well put this as a disclaimer here)
art of me!Don't forget to check the update log!
dancing purple jar jar binks!!